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Flute CloseUp

Why A New Flute Choir

There are lots of flute players out there in the world, but seats for flute players in orchestras are limited to usually just 2 or 3. Even in Concert bands the most I've ever seen are 6. Playing in a group of any sort, not only improves your musicianship, its fun too. 


In Leeds there are a few Flute Choirs, but they tend to be at times that would make it hard to get to with work, or are only held on an irregular ad hoc basis. I felt that something a little more regular and at an easier time to attend would be a good thing.


So, I started a new Flute Choir in Leeds.

And what is a Consort Anyway?

Consort is an old word for a group of musicians, in fact recorder groups are often still called a Recorder Consort.


I like the word and thought it would make the group stand out.

If you'd like to join us ...

As long as you're at least grade 3 (or equivalent) and 18 or over you're more than welcome to join us.


Details of the next rehearsal can be found on the diary page.


We have to make a small charge to cover room hire, music purchase etc. However, your first rehearsal is free


We aim to put on at least one concert a year.

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